Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Lesson #1

I must admit that I have been on the edges of the Obama campaign. I signed onto the Obama web site months ago, but never understood why they never remembered me on the site. Duh! I had to go to mybarackobama.com. Once I did that I signed up for local and national groups and now ...
"le deluge" (inbox filling up with pleas for donations, talking points, invites to events, and misc. stuff).

I keep learning new things about the campaign's online strategy. I'll share these lessons from time to time. Today, I see that there are armies of political foot-soldiers fighting for control of Internet web sites like Digg.com . Digg rates the importance of news stories by either saving or burying them. The operatives send out a digest of stories every day and our marching orders are to save or bury them more furiously than the "enemy". C'est le guerre!

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