Saturday, August 23, 2008

More Denver Doings: A Sampler

The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation"Gospel Extravaganza"

I Fish, I Hunt, I Vote
National Wildlife Federation and NWF Action Fund

The HuffPost Oasis
Arianna Huffington has decided to demonstrate that a balanced life is possible even during the most compulsively hectic days in the political calendar. So during the Democratic National Convention in Denver, she will offer harried conventioneers -- including delegates and members of the media -- a chance to unplug and recharge. The Oasis will feature complimentary yoga classes, Thai massages, hand massages, mini-facials, healthy snacks and refreshments, music, and a comfortable seating area for lounging and unwinding.

SEIA (Solar Energy Industries Association) Sunfest

with a a keynote address by environmental advocate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Pro-Choice/Pro Life Town Hall Meeting sponsored by

Democrats for Life of America

Unconventional Women Roundtable

The 2008 Ronald H. Brown Memorial Golf Tournament

Comedy Kabob from the Arab-American Institute

Poker Players Alliance benefitting Paralyzed Veterans

EqualiTEA: a Feminist Gathering and Celebration of Women's Equality Day

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