The factual takeaways from the piece: Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Obama: All Flip-Floppers! Why The GOP Narrative Always Works are:
1. Obama is a politician. Surprise!
The alleged flip-floppiness of the Democratic nominee ... is a hardy perennial. Flip-flopping is a simple accusation that campaign reporters can sink their teeth into. Moreover, there's always grist for the accusation, because getting to the position of running for president without changing your stance on a few issues is essentially impossible.2. McCain's flip-flopping is pathological
This is a man who, in his quest to make himself an acceptable GOP nominee, reversed his political philosophy (crusading anti-business progressive in the Teddy Roosevelt mode); his political orientation (frequently siding with, and nearly joining, Senate Democrats); and almost every particular undergirding it (taxes, the Lieberman-Warner climate change bill, his own immigration bill, etc.). But if you actually think that flip-flopping is a sign of flawed character, and not just a handy partisan cudgel, then, sure, Obama might be slightly cynical, but McCain must be a dangerous sociopath.For the extent of McCain's flip-flops, see Steve Benen's report: Jukebox John Keeps Changing his Tune -- now at 72 Flip-Flops and counting.
But the real problem is the relentless drumbeat by Republicans and media pundits about "knowing who the candidate really is". They relentlessly frame the debate around 'character' (which is always fungible) rather than issues -- a sure win for the Dems.
They don't need to prove anything and they make no effort to do so --all they need is to sow doubt.
OK, Obama, it's now up to you to prove:
-- you're not an elitist
-- you're not a superficial airhead like Brittany or Paris
-- you don't hate the troops
-- you're not anti-American
-- you're not a secret Islamo-fascist Muslim terrorist
-- You are not the one playing the race card
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